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Thecourse of law often collides with the lives of individuals itgoverns. A series of landmark judicial decisions and laws related tothe LGBTQIA+ community have pitched the course of Rachana’s lifesince 2009, when she was in her 20s and heading to the US to enrolfor a graduate programme
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Throughher masters and M.Phil between 2004 and 2008, she had worked onseveral projects on sex education, HIV and violence against women.Field work made her familiar with male and female gay communities
Earlier,Rachana had once explored a lesbian experience, but was not anchoredin any relationship. Later, she also fell in love with a man, whileshe actively canvassed for the rights of gay people from an academicpoint of view
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Yearsbefore her departure to the US, her imagination, along with those ofher friends and others of her ilk, had been sparked by Deepa Mehta’s1996 movie Fire that put the spotlight on lesbian relationshipsin India. The film became a talking point in her university’sEnglish department. Academics and vocal gay rights activistswould discuss the film’s nuances in the varsity’s audio-visualclub.
A month before she left, the Delhi high court, hearing a petitionfiled by the NAZ Foundation, had ruled that Section 377 of the IndianPenal Code violated articles 14 (equality before law), 15 (forbiddingdiscrimination) and 21 (protection of life and liberty) of theConstitution. Article 377 criminalised anal intercourse between twoindividuals, making it a non-bailable offence punishable with a10-year jail term.